How to Follow Up After an Interview Without Sounding Pushy

How soon should you follow up after a job interview? Learn how and when to write a thank you email without appearing pushy or desperate for the job.
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You just finished interviewing for a job you really want, and you think it went well. How do you follow up after the interview – without coming across as too overbearing?

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Before You Leave the Interview, Ask About Next Steps

The first thing you need to do while you’re still in the interview is to ask about what happens next. Let the interviewer lay out the next steps in the process to find out what you should expect and what is expected of you. It’s important to know when they’re making their decisions and when it’s appropriate for you to follow up.

You should also collect business cards from the people you met at the company. You’ll need to know those names and contact info so you can follow up with each person afterward.

1Your Name
2Choose ID
3Contact Info
4Tell Us About You
5Your Resume

Send a Thank You Note via Email

How soon should you follow up after an interview? The answer is: immediately! As soon as you get home, write a thank you note to the person with whom you interviewed. This is an important step; a study by resume-writing firm TopResume reveals that 68% of hiring managers say that receiving a thank you note has an impact on who they hire. Not writing a thank you note could seriously harm your chances of getting hired.

In the past, most thank you notes were handwritten and delivered via postal mail. Today, however, email thank you notes are the norm unless you’re dealing with a very traditional firm.

What should you include in your thank you note? This should be a short and sweet follow up email after the interview.

First, thank the person you talked to. Express your appreciation for taking the time to talk to you and reiterate your interest in the position and the company.

Next, take a few sentences to promote yourself. Remind the interviewer about your skills and why you’re uniquely qualified for the job.

You should also use this opportunity to add any information you forgot to mention in the interview. Clean up any mistakes you made and clarify any poorly-worded answers you might have given.

Your thank you note should be brief and written in a conversational tone. Check your spelling and grammar, and be sure to include all of your contact information. This is an opportunity to leave an additional good impression, so treat it with the same care and attention to detail you did with your resume and cover letter.

Consider a Handwritten Thank You Note

In addition to sending an email thank you, you may want to consider sending a handwritten thank you note. This should be a brief one- or two-sentence thank you in your own handwriting. Use a card stock like you can find in a stationery store, write legibly, and mail it shortly after you send your original email, so the interviewer gets it a few days later. It will jog his or her memory and add a nice personal touch.

Thank Everyone You Interviewed With

In some firms, you end up interviewing with multiple people – maybe a hiring manager in HR, your immediate potential boss, and the head of the department. Make sure you send thank you notes to everyone you interview with and personalize each note with specific details of interest to that person.

Consider a Thank You Phone Call

In some instances, a thank you phone call may also be appropriate. Calling to offer a quick thanks helps the interviewer put a voice to your resume and demonstrates your communication skills. Just thank the person for spending time with you and remind them of why you’re a good fit for the open position. The call should be short and to the point, serving to reinforce the information you send your formal thank you note.

Connect via LinkedIn

The day after you send your thank you note, log into LinkedIn, and find the person or people with whom you interviewed. Send a connection request to that person, along with a short note expressing your thanks for being considered for the job. This way you’ll have that person in your professional network, even if the position doesn’t materialize.

Follow Up with Another Email

If you haven’t heard from the company within a week or two, it’s time to send a follow-up note. You need to remind the interviewer that you’re still interested in the job – and still the best candidate.

Timing is essential for this second follow up email after the interview. Your follow up has to match the company’s timeline for filling the job; if you email too soon, you might appear pushy and if you email too late, it may look as if you’re no longer interested. In most instances, that means waiting at least a week but no longer than two weeks.

Use this follow up email to ask for an update on the status of the position. You can also be a little self-promotional and remind the interviewer on why you think you’re a good fit.

Keep in Contact

If the interviewer doesn’t respond to your follow up email or you haven’t heard anything for over a month, it’s likely that you didn’t get the job. What should you do now?

In addition to sending out your resume to other businesses, you should keep in touch with the people you met at the original firm. The people you met with can become valuable members of your professional network. Not only will you be front-of-mind for any additional positions that open up with that company, but you’ll also build lasting relationships that can prove valuable in your career.

The bottom line, don’t view the situation as a failed job interview. Instead, consider this an opportunity to make new contacts and open up new opportunities.

Let Mapertunity Help You Land Your Next Interview

When you’re trying to get your next interview, let Mapertunity help. Mapertunity is the world’s first fully transparent, interactive job map. We help people find the right job in the right location – and find the best companies with which to interview.

When you’re ready to interview, contact us at Mapertunity! We’re here to help.

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Picture of Lonnie Ayers

Lonnie Ayers

On a mission to help every job seeker find a job. Co-inventor of mapertunity, the most advanced graphical job search tool in existence. A 21st century tool for jobs and businesses.

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