Let Every Candidate See Every Job and Every Employer See Every Candidate

Opportinities + Map = Mapertunity
Find your next candidate

Did you know that the human brain can achieve the incredible feat of processing an image in 13 milliseconds.  That’s right, according to a study completed in 2014 by MIT Professor Mary Potter, if you were looking at an image of job candidates on a map, you could scan 77 of them in 1 second.  But they would somehow need to be presented to you in a visual map.  That’s why you should consider using Mapertunity to find your next candidate.  Many candidates are using it to conduct their job search. 

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About Mapertunity

Our Goal: 

Let Every Candidate See Every Job and Every Employer See Every Candidate

Our concept is very simple – we have created a system that displays the physical location of every job candidate and every job on Google Maps.  We call it Mapertunity.  Opportunity+Map.  If you’re looking for a job, starting today, you’ll be able to visually find every job around you by simply looking at google maps. 

This is How to Find Candidates in the 21st Century


While if you’re an employer, starting today, you’ll be able to post jobs with descriptions which will show up on Google maps, right where the jobs are at.  Mapertunity is your candidate finder.

How Is This Different Than How You Do It Today?

First, you need to know a little bit about us, the founders of SAP BW Consulting, Inc. and developers of Mapertunity.  We are both SAP Consultants, and in constant high demand.  Yet, like everyone else in the SAP Consulting space, we struggle to land the next project.  It’s not that there aren’t a large number of jobs coming our way every single day – there are.  The problem is that most of the jobs don’t work when you run the numbers.  But the financials are only one small but important part of the equation.  The other is the location.  If you’ve been on the road for decades, which we both have, you’ve probably concluded you need to cut back on your travel schedule. 

When Problems Reveal Themselves as Opportunities

A while back, I happened to be in the car with my brother when a recruiter called.  During the course of this call, I heard him tell the recruiter there were no jobs in Huntsville, Alabama, which was where he was living at the time.  The recruiter was incredulous, and said that can’t be right, Huntsville was a big government jobs location.  My brother then said, ‘haven’t found one there in a year, have had to take contracts elsewhere’.  Thinking through that whole conversation, and combining it with some other ideas we’d been working on for the past 20 years, we concluded there had to be a better way for all parties concerned.  Thus a problem began to reveal an opportunity to solve and one that needs to be solved on a global scale.

The first thing we noticed during our brainstorming was that he claimed LinkedIn never worked for him while I said that for me, it had been a primary source of jobs since I joined it when it opened way back in the early 2000s.  We then looked at Indeed, CareerBuilder and as many other job sites as we could find.  There are lots of them.  

Hidden Job Market

What we noticed was that all of these job sites created barriers that were, in reality, keeping us from finding a job.  They had, in effect, inserted themselves, whether by omission or design is not clear, between us and the jobs we knew we could do.  Sure, LinkedIn was sending me plenty of opportunities, yet they were mostly overseas recruiters working on behalf of other companies.  What we did not know was where the actual job was located or who it was with and what the recruiter’s employer did not know was where the actual candidates were. For the other job boards, like CareerBuilder or Monster, no one we know has ever gotten a job using them.  They must work or they wouldn’t survive as they do.

At the same time as we were looking at our own internal sources of jobs, we noticed a lot of the stores and shops where we were working at the time had help wanted signs that never seemed to come down.  If you were to ask the shop keepers if they were getting many people to apply, you would find that almost no one is. 

In the current economic climate, it seems to be extremely difficult for companies to find candidates.  We’ve got clients who have been searching for six months or more to fill both high level positions and temporary hourly positions and everything in between.  Many are employing ‘recruiters’ to help them ‘source’ candidates.  Yet, despite the low unemployment rate, there are apparently tens of millions of Americans who are not employed, not counted as unemployed and yet, need a job.  Or they are underemployed, or in the wrong job versus their qualifications.  And many are deep in student debt with little hope of ever paying it off.

Does Networking Still Work?

You might say to yourself that networking is how most people get most jobs.  You may also have heard that most jobs go unannounced.  We’ve concluded that this reliance on a network is at least partially due to the extreme inefficiency in the existing worker+opportunity matching system.  In other words, yes, someone you know who recommends you for a job is a very good member of a network for you to already have.  But there’s networks and then there’s LinkedIn networks, which, frankly speaking, are mostly weak in terms of relationship strength. 

As to the ‘fact’ that most jobs are unannounced, as in not advertised, it may be true, but the reason for it being true is not quite so clear cut.  It may be that the job is unpublicized because it cost too much to advertise it.  It also may be the case that it isn’t an actual known job opening, yet.  Other times, a company may just be collecting resumes for a variety of reasons known only to themselves.  There are other places in the world where candidates are expected to pay to get a job, so jobs are not advertised, otherwise, this model wouldn’t work there.  On top of these factors, many people do not have much of a network, either because they’re very young and just starting out, or they didn’t realize they needed a network and hadn’t intentionally built one for themselves.

When you take into consideration all the barriers to finding jobs or finding candidates, it’s a wonder anybody gets hired.  That’s why the “Mapertunity” approach is different: 

  • By showing all available jobs in your search area on a map, you no longer have to know a company’s website or physical address. 
  • By showing all available job candidates available in an area on a map, you can easily see if there is anyone available who fits your hiring requirements.  By using normal database search capabilities to search by keyword or other characteristics, you can get the system to surface just the right candidate.  If there happens to be 77 “star candidates” in year search area, you can see them all in one second on the integrated Google Map.  If you filter on candidates who are actually available, you can eliminate the time-consuming problem of simply finding out if someone is available.
  • By doing this at the same time, you have an opportunity map.  You have a visual picture of every job and worker made visible to the world for the first time.   

It’s like a Tri-Coder for jobs  

Imagine walking around town with your smartphone in hand.  You like the area and think maybe I would like to live and work around here.  Time to scan the area for jobs.  In the traditional scenario, what would you do?  You might pick up a newspaper, but few jobs are found there anymore.  Even if they are advertised there, they are often times not as they appear.

It’s more likely you would log into LinkedIN and search for jobs.  You might even be able to find something.  But how likely are you to find every available job within 1,000 feet of where you are standing?

With the Current Approach, It’s Not At All Likely You Would Find Available Jobs.

With the revolutionary Mapertunity tool, you could. You could find them all in under a second, in fact, you could find the first one in 13 milliseconds.

Why Wouldn’t The Current Approach Be Likely To Work?

First off, a company would have to be advertising their job opening on LinkedIn.  If they happen to be a multi-national with locations all over the place, they might well have a job for you, but just not there.  Useful, but not what you are looking for.  If you want to see what I mean by not useful, log into LinkedIn, click on jobs and search ‘my location.  In my case, without me filtering, it is showing 46,000 jobs available around me.  But the smallest area I can filter down too is 10 miles.  I also might filter out a relevant opportunity by not using the correct keywords or other criteria. 

But I cannot see where any of these jobs are.  I could look each one up individually on a company career page, where they often appear on a map.  However, I woud then run into the second great problem of using LinkedIn and other such services – many of the jobs at my level are posted by recruitment agencies, not the actual companies with the job opening.  This translates into me taking home less money as there is now a layer between me and the actual client.  This is also true of the jobs that just show up in my inbox constantly; they are almost all from 3rd party recruiters.  Nice to get the jobs in, but really, not a highly effective way to find candidates or find jobs. 

If you can see the jobs, they should be able to see you as well.  If you want to get found by employers while you’re out probing the area for jobs, Mapertunity can do that too.  Just log in and enable location awareness and you are now visible to potential employers.  In this super heated job environment, don’t be surprised if you don’t get a random visit from HR – wanting to hire you on the spot.  Imagine landing in Paris, turning on your Mapertunity Tri-Corder and finding that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work in the city of lights. It could happen.  It could happen to you. It will happen to you!

Can You Tell How Many Jobs Are Actually Available Anywhere Now?

If you were to go to the unemployment office, and ask them where are all the jobs, they would simply direct your attention to a job board, like USAJobs.  It is an aggregator site.  But no tool in the quiver of the unemployment office can actually reveal where the jobs are nor where the workers are.  Mapertunity.com shows you both, visually, with easily clickable options to put you in direct touch.

Who might want to know where all the candidates are within a geographic area?  Apart from the unemployment office, economic development agencies are exceptionally interested in knowing this number.  It is one of the key pieces of information companies, whom they are trying to persuade to relocate to their area, are looking for.  Without an adequate supply of labor, a company is unlikely to spend resources on setting up a new operation, in say, Seymour, Indiana. 

On the other hand, if I wanted to escape the cold Hoosier winters for the warm tropical breezes of Florida, I would have an extreme interest in finding all of the available jobs in my geographical area of interest, say, Miami.  In fact, on a recent Small Business Administration (SBA) radio broadcast from their Miami office, they said if you were to draw a horizontal (East to West) line across Florida just South of of Orlando, there are 1.2 million businesses below that line.  Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to visualize each and every one of those businesses and find your next job in the exact location you want to live in. 

Right now, without the amazing power of Mapertunity, it can’t be done, not even by our government.  Sure, they can produce tables that show businesses by location.  That’s just not the same as seeing them on a map and being able to find your next job. 

What You Need to Do Now

How do you get found on Mapertunity.com?

If you’re a job seeker, register now and create your profile on Mapertunity.com.  It’s free.  You’ll be able to see your listing on Mapertunity immediately.  If there is more than one member of your household looking for a job, each of you should create your own profile.

Once you’re registered you can easily apply for a job right from within the integrated Mapertunity Google Map. 

If you’re an employer, register and create your first job listing.  Your first listing is free.  You can reach out to a candidate directly and let them know you are interested.  They will also be able to find your job listing and apply from within the same integrated Mapertunity Google Map.

More Reading and Related Topics:

Picture of Lonnie Ayers

Lonnie Ayers

On a mission to help every job seeker find a job. Co-inventor of mapertunity, the most advanced graphical job search tool in existence. A 21st century tool for jobs and businesses.

About Mapertunity

Welcome to Mapertunity, a new way of posting jobs and finding jobs. We are on a mission to help every single person and every single business find each other, and then put them to work.

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